
Welcome to the Haleyville Band Booster Blog. There will be frequent updates, especially regarding Concession Stand information. Visit frequently.

January Booster Meeting Notes

Booster Meeting Summary

Several important issues were discussed at the January meeting of the Band Boosters on 1/4/2011.

Quad County Honor Band will be held this year on 1/14 and 1/15 at Bevil Community College in Phil Campbell. We will be taking a bus which will depart at? TBD? The concert will be conducted on Saturday 1/15 in the Bevil Auditorium at 6:00 (?) pm.

All-State tryouts will be held on 1/29/2011 at Florence HS.

Pizza Kits Fundraiser from Little Caesar’s will be held from 1/5/2011 through 1/21/2011. Money will need to be turned in on 1/21/2011 and delivery will be on 2/1/2011 with pickup scheduled for 4:pm. ($4 per kit will go to student accounts).

• The Fundraising committee recommended and the Boosters agreed to have a Valentine’s Day Dance to be held on 2/12/2011 at a location TBD. CHAPERONES NEEDED.

• HHS is one of about 20 bands that have been invited to march in the Inaugural Parade in Montgomery in 1/17/2011. Bus departure will be at ZDT (Zero Dark Thirty of about 4:00 am. ouch).

Easter Pictures will be promoted this year, with a $15 sitting fee going to the boosters ($5 per student, $10 to boosters). It will be held on? TBD?

Construction Committee will NOT meet the third Saturday this January but will be moved to a later date to be determined.

• Any questions, clarifications, or corrections can be facilitated by calling Roy at 485-2363.

• Thanks to everyone that has worked so hard these past few months.

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